Wednesday, November 19, 2008

He's Here!!!

Levi Ashton Smith was born Nov. 5th, 2008! Yay! Although hard, it was a wonderful labor and delivery. The hospital called at 2:30 a.m. and said they had a bed available (I was supposed to be induced on the 4th, but too many mommies were in labor), so we rushed off and they broke my water instead of giving pitocin, which I was glad about. My sister-in-law, Jennifer was my nurse and helped deliver our Levi! It was really fun and a great experience to have her there. Levi was sideways so the doc. had to turn him as he came down (probably why he wouldn't come earlier and why his nose was so flat). Levi was born fairly quickly and we are sooo glad he's finally here!!! Landon LOVES his baby brother and isn't too jealous...yet. He was a big boy at 8 lbs. and 21 inches!!!

Landon and Levi's Aunt Jennifer who helped deliver him

My sweet boy; I think it was harder on me than Landon to not be with him 24/7. I missed him so much while I was at the hospital!

He came home on a beautiful fall day!

1 week

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This year I was determined to make Landon into a turtle, which is one of his favorite things. I finished the shell and that's about it, but it still worked out and he was a cute turtle. He loved trick-or-treating! He just said "treat" at the door and put his open hand out, and then sometimes waited as if he was supposed to receive something else; It was very cute and entertaining.

tired turtle

I think our second hasn't come yet because he really wanted to go trick-or-treating too!


And then, the lovely sugar highs...
His uncle Johnny's jock-strap... yeah, what a boy
Mommy Log 2: WHEN? WHEN?? When??
I can't belive I'm going to have a November baby. First due date was Oct. 16th, then it changed to the 28th. Now, we're into November and still no show. For about three weeks we've been thinking it was "tonight," then, suddenly it's "tomorrow" and everything has stopped. It's soooo different from Landon, who was a week early. But we are so thankful that it's soon; I might be induced on election day (tuesday), but we're hoping he comes before then. Emotionally draining but we're hanging in there.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The loves of my life

Both Alma and Landon are constantly making me laugh...They do the exact same faces and Landon admires his daddy so much. I love it.

Are you mocking me?

My Landon loves to put his blanket in his shirt and pretend to be prego too. We're all anxiously waiting for the arrival of our 2nd boy!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"Daddy and Me"

This was my favorite picture that I forgot to post. Sometimes there's no words

"Feeding the Squirrels"

Landon loves to collect acorns and he wanted to bring them inside yesterday, so we told him he could feed the squirrels by putting them under the tree so they could find them.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mommy Logs

The other night, as we were going to sleep I started to tell Alma about all the funny things that Landon did during the day and he said, "have you been writing this stuff down?" I realized that all these little funny or even aweful things that happen on a daily basis will be lost memories if I don't write them down, so I'm making "mommy logs" and though most will be for our benefit of remembering our boy as he grows up, you are welcome to read them and share your mommy logs with me! So here goes!!

Mommy Log #1 - "The Cocoa Butter Incident"
As I woke up this morning, instead of the smell of a dirty diaper, I smelled the sweet scent of my cocoa butter. First thought, "UH OH." Landon comes walking to the edge of my bed looking as if he was going out to sun bathe at the beach or be in a body-building contest. I mean, this is not the regular cocoa butter lotion; this is the thick cream almost like puddy. So anyways, He is covered from head to toe and I just said, "oh Landon, did you use it all?" His eyes got really big and looking quite serious said, "Yeah; bye-bye, more." So I put him in the bath; all water beaded off of him and of course day 2 -his hair is still very Conditioned! I remember when I used to get so stressed out when he did things like that. Now, it's nothin! hahahaha Funny how that happens when you're a mom of a 2 year old!

Since I didn't get pictures of the cocoa butter, here's some othere things he's gotten into...

Nana's Lipstick and my mascara

He was excited when I told him he looked like a Cheetah

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sweet Summer time

So, this summer we've been out and about and haven't done any blogging. So it's catch up time. We've had a wonderful Summer and I almost hate to see it end, except we are really excited for the arrival of our new boy! It's getting closer and I don't know if I have any more room left for 2 more months of growing baby. We think he'll be a little early like Landon. I'm just staying really busy trying to get everything done that needs to be done before the baby comes! Isn't it crazy how the nesting thing takes over??? Alma is working hard and doing well. We miss him when he travels, which is often, but the hotel points make up for it a little bit. Anyways, here's some pictures of past trips, family, and friends. We need to take better pictures, I know.

Our last beach trip to Charleston, SC.

This time around Landon ate less sand and actually spent hours building drip castles with daddy. We had a blast!

On the flight to Arizona, as tired as Landon was, he couldn't resist putting stickers on his face.

Playing with daddy....pretending is now one of Landon's favorite things to do, which is sooooo fun.
Copying eachother's noises...did I mention Landon has a love for singing? I love to hear him sing to me..he sings about momma, daddy, turtles, and lately abc's and Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. Pretty much whatever he feels like singing.
A little cone of Chocolate icecream goes a long way!!!!


THE INFAMOUS MO-MO!! He mentions it just about every day... and his Papa is always happy to take him on a ride.

Me and my boy before naptime...his hair is gettting long and curly and I can't stand to cut it yet.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My baby is not a baby anymore!!

Landon just turned 2! We had the funnest time ever. I didn't know 2nd birthdays could be such a blast. Landon got lots of toys from his Uncle Justin and Aunt Jennifer. They even got him some little boy elmo underwear, which he loved and mostly likes to put on his head. We played with water balloons outside and had tons of fun. We love our boy!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Recap of May

So, since I'm a monthly blogger here's some of May's pictures...We are having fun! Notice most of the pictures of Landon are him eating. That's one of our favorite things to do lately! By the way, we're big RED WINGS fans and we've been watching the Stanley Cup playoffs...Landon loves hockey and makes "oooohhhh's" just like the rest of us as he watches.

Gone Fishin'

Can I say Alma Jr.?

He loves Nana's cookies!

My three bestest bro's

It's hard to get all of us together, but when we're all together we have so much fun...I love ya'll

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Small towns

There are some days when living in a really small town can get on your nerves; just having to drive 15-25 min. to get anywhere. However, there are other days that just make living in a small town worth it. Yesterday, we stopped to get icecream yes-Hallaluja! My little town has an icecream shop! Unfortunately, they only had strawberry when we got there...but our expectations weren't that high anyways. They did have a baby cone though that Landon thoroughly enjoyed since he could hold it and eat it all by himself. It was really cute but we didn't have a camera with us, so no pics today. Anyways, it was really fun...we actually had a blast just sitting outside watching Landon learn how to lick the edges of his icecream cone. We also had a good laugh at a flyer that was completely spelled wrong all over the place. But let me tell ya, the people in these small towns are so so so nice. Just really great, nice people. And we actually left the icecream shop wanting to go back sometime. That tells ys something if they only had strawberry to offer. Anyways, we had fun and I appreciate all the good ol' southern hospitality that we enjoy.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Look who's talking 7

Hi! Landon here. I decided to get some blogging done since my mom doesn't do it anymore. We've had a lot of fun lately...But on a quite serious note, I don't know what has gotten into my mom lately. She is very emotional and she's eating sweets all of the time! I'm not complaining though, cause I get some too. Now here's the really crazy part. She talks about growing a baby inside her tummy! Weird, I know. I mean, even if she was growing a baby in her tummy, how fun would that be to play with?

Anyways, here's what I've been up to...Sleeping has been tough because a lot of changes have taken place. I'm a big boy now, which means a LOT of responsibility, including a big boy bed. The other night I had trouble getting to sleep (insomnia already? I think not). I was wide awake and I decided to dangle my pacifier between the bed and the wall. I looked over to see my mom's face. It wasn't a happy one, so I knew I'd be in trouble if I dropped it down there. But I couldn't resist! I dropped it and had to see where it would go! I tried to look surprized so that the consequences wouldn't be to harsh, but I still had to sleep without it that night. But I showed her, I didn't need it anyways. I really am growing up!

Also, the rest of the pictures show what I've been up to....

My uncle's guitar hero...I'm a pro

Exercising...squats - up and down

Immitating Chris Farley

Eating something blue..ya know, everyday stuff like that