Levi Ashton Smith was born Nov. 5th, 2008! Yay! Although hard, it was a wonderful labor and delivery. The hospital called at 2:30 a.m. and said they had a bed available (I was supposed to be induced on the 4th, but too many mommies were in labor), so we rushed off and they broke my water instead of giving pitocin, which I was glad about. My sister-in-law, Jennifer was my nurse and helped deliver our Levi! It was really fun and a great experience to have her there. Levi was sideways so the doc. had to turn him as he came down (probably why he wouldn't come earlier and why his nose was so flat). Levi was born fairly quickly and we are sooo glad he's finally here!!! Landon LOVES his baby brother and isn't too jealous...yet. He was a big boy at 8 lbs. and 21 inches!!!

Landon and Levi's Aunt Jennifer who helped deliver him

My sweet boy; I think it was harder on me than Landon to not be with him 24/7. I missed him so much while I was at the hospital!

He came home on a beautiful fall day!

1 week
He is sure cute! and he looks like he belongs to you guys! Congrats!
Congratulations! I LOVE his name and he is so cute! Wish we could be there to meet him...maybe we will someday soon! Perhaps for Jeff's spring break?
Congrats, he is gorgeous! I love the name and he shares a birthday with Caleb.
I love that last picture. He seems so much older than he is!
Hurray! We have been thinking about you guys a ton and wondering when it all happened! Thanks for the update! Levi is an adorable baby!!! Congratulations! A family of 4!!! Wish we were closer so we could come and see you more often!
That's so exciting! He is a beautiful baby. i'm glad things went well for you and that he's finally here. Hopefully Landon continues to think he's great and doesn't get too jealous! Congratulations!!!!
He is so darling! Congratulations again! I like his name you chose, 'Landon and Levi' has a nice sound to it.
Yeah!!! We were thinking about you on the 5th and wondering if you had him yet! He looks so cute and precious and especially looks like Landon :)
Oh my goodness he is adorable and he looks just like YOU! I love it! Can't wait for our boys to become good buds!
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