So, this summer we've been out and about and haven't done any blogging. So it's catch up time. We've had a wonderful Summer and I almost hate to see it end, except we are really excited for the arrival of our new boy! It's getting closer and I don't know if I have any more room left for 2 more months of growing baby. We think he'll be a little early like Landon. I'm just staying really busy trying to get everything done that needs to be done before the baby comes! Isn't it crazy how the nesting thing takes over??? Alma is working hard and doing well. We miss him when he travels, which is often, but the hotel points make up for it a little bit. Anyways, here's some pictures of past trips, family, and friends. We need to take better pictures, I know.
Our last beach trip to Charleston, SC.

This time around Landon ate less sand and actually spent hours building drip castles with daddy. We had a blast!

On the flight to Arizona, as tired as Landon was, he couldn't resist putting stickers on his face.

Playing with daddy....pretending is now one of Landon's favorite things to do, which is sooooo fun.
Copying eachother's noises...did I mention Landon has a love for singing? I love to hear him sing to me..he sings about momma, daddy, turtles, and lately abc's and Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. Pretty much whatever he feels like singing.

A little cone of Chocolate icecream goes a long way!!!!

THE INFAMOUS MO-MO!! He mentions it just about every day... and his Papa is always happy to take him on a ride.
Me and my boy before naptime...his hair is gettting long and curly and I can't stand to cut it yet.
So cute! I am so glad to see you posted more pics! I love to see Landon grow and he looks like a little boy now all grown up. You look great too and it looks like you are having fun. :)
It's about time! Landon is too cute. I miss you guys!!
Hey guys,
I miss you.... what have you been up to? remember the wymount days? well love you both and call us if you ever come to visit.
Hey y'all,
Sierra, I am freaking out right now. Landon is huge. Hope all is well.
The picture of Alma hugging Landon looks exactly like Michelle when she hugs us! You look so beautiful pregnant. . .I've always thought that.
What a fun trip. I just love the beach. And Landon is so cute too - he looks like such a happy little guy.
I love all his curls! Its funny how he never has any clothes on. Gorden is often the same way. You look so good and barely pregnant at all. I love your hair! So beautiful! now post a belly picture!!! =)
He is so cute. Are you guys coming to Utah for Ephraim's wedding? Let me know and can plan to go out. What are you guys up too? Got a blog too. it is
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