Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Look who's talking 7

Hi! Landon here. I decided to get some blogging done since my mom doesn't do it anymore. We've had a lot of fun lately...But on a quite serious note, I don't know what has gotten into my mom lately. She is very emotional and she's eating sweets all of the time! I'm not complaining though, cause I get some too. Now here's the really crazy part. She talks about growing a baby inside her tummy! Weird, I know. I mean, even if she was growing a baby in her tummy, how fun would that be to play with?

Anyways, here's what I've been up to...Sleeping has been tough because a lot of changes have taken place. I'm a big boy now, which means a LOT of responsibility, including a big boy bed. The other night I had trouble getting to sleep (insomnia already? I think not). I was wide awake and I decided to dangle my pacifier between the bed and the wall. I looked over to see my mom's face. It wasn't a happy one, so I knew I'd be in trouble if I dropped it down there. But I couldn't resist! I dropped it and had to see where it would go! I tried to look surprized so that the consequences wouldn't be to harsh, but I still had to sleep without it that night. But I showed her, I didn't need it anyways. I really am growing up!

Also, the rest of the pictures show what I've been up to....

My uncle's guitar hero...I'm a pro

Exercising...squats - up and down

Immitating Chris Farley

Eating something blue..ya know, everyday stuff like that


Kelly said...

Hey!!CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is great news. We're happy for ya'll. I hope you're feeling good. That's exciting about Landon and his big boy bed. Those pictures of him are adorable. He is just so cute!! We miss yall!

Whitney said...

CONGRATS on the new baby! That is so exciting! Hope you guys are going well! We miss you!

smiths said...

This is from your husband who's never around these days. Anyways,I loved the post. When I saw the picture where he looks like Chris Farley, I started cracking up. He's the cutest and you're the best!

Brittany H. said...

Too funny, Sierra. I guess Landon is really growing up and that time didn't stop when you guys moved--like I used to think. I know you will be a great mother of two!

Elodie said...

Congratulatioons Sierra ! I can't beleive how big your son is. I guess he's ready to be a big brother. I hope everything is good for you. That your husband find a job that he likes.

Esther said...

Wow Landon! Fun post, please tell your mommy and daddy congratulations for me! I love your Chris Farley imitation too!

Melissa said...

Yeah!! When are you due?

Melea said...

So how are you feeling these days? When is the due date and how far along are you now? I love the pic of Landon imitating Chris Farley...he is just silly looking and cute :)

Emily said...

Congratulations! Exciting news for you guys. Your little Landon is such a cutie-pie!

Melissa said...

Hey thanks for the tip about nursery! I need to try that and hopefully she'll go!