The other night, as we were going to sleep I started to tell Alma about all the funny things that Landon did during the day and he said, "have you been writing this stuff down?" I realized that all these little funny or even aweful things that happen on a daily basis will be lost memories if I don't write them down, so I'm making "mommy logs" and though most will be for our benefit of remembering our boy as he grows up, you are welcome to read them and share your mommy logs with me! So here goes!!
Mommy Log #1 - "The Cocoa Butter Incident"
As I woke up this morning, instead of the smell of a dirty diaper, I smelled the sweet scent of my cocoa butter. First thought, "UH OH." Landon comes walking to the edge of my bed looking as if he was going out to sun bathe at the beach or be in a body-building contest. I mean, this is not the regular cocoa butter lotion; this is the thick cream almost like puddy. So anyways, He is covered from head to toe and I just said, "oh Landon, did you use it all?" His eyes got really big and looking quite serious said, "Yeah; bye-bye, more." So I put him in the bath; all water beaded off of him and of course day 2 -his hair is still very Conditioned! I remember when I used to get so stressed out when he did things like that. Now, it's nothin! hahahaha Funny how that happens when you're a mom of a 2 year old!
Since I didn't get pictures of the cocoa butter, here's some othere things he's gotten into...

Nana's Lipstick and my mascara

He was excited when I told him he looked like a Cheetah