Today, was quite eventful...Landon had to go into time-out a few times. Then, when we went outside, he started to climb his favorite tree. He was having fun until he went horizontal and started grunting. He actually got stuck in this position...I had to get my brother to grab the camera before I helped him; poor guy. Maybe I could have gotten some things done during this time, but I decided to be a good mother and help him. But only after I got the picture below. Don't worry; he had just barely started whining. So funny, though. It'll be a good one to show him when he's older and say that's where I put him to get things done around the house!

My poor boy..I debated putting this on here because it looks so sad; but I just couldn't leave it off. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen. Anyways, he absolutely loves the outdoors. He'd live outside if he could and I'm glad because I probably could too. We have so much fun fishin too...even though it's without a hook. I'll get a picture of that later.
That is a great picture!! I love your title too... so funny!! You'll have lots of fun with these pictures when he's older:)
Heck yeah! Go get your nails done, girl, the next time it happens!! :)
Hilarious! This is so funny that it happened, but even funnier that you left him there long enough to go get the camera!!
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