Anyways, here's what I've been up to...Sleeping has been tough because a lot of changes have taken place. I'm a big boy now, which means a LOT of responsibility, including a big boy bed. The other night I had trouble getting to sleep (insomnia already? I think not). I was wide awake and I decided to dangle my pacifier between the bed and the wall. I looked over to see my mom's face. It wasn't a happy one, so I knew I'd be in trouble if I dropped it down there. But I couldn't resist! I dropped it and had to see where it would go! I tried to look surprized so that the consequences wouldn't be to harsh, but I still had to sleep without it that night. But I showed her, I didn't need it anyways. I really am growing up!
Also, the rest of the pictures show what I've been up to....

Exercising...squats - up and down