Also, we think Landon has finally realized that he can laugh as loud as he wants and whenever he wants. As smiley as he is, he only really laughed when we tickled him, but now it seems like he's laughing all the time now...faking it too, when we laugh at the tv or eachother. We've had fun hearing how deep his giggle gets. He's our little man child.

Look at all that dirt! I love that first picture. So cute! Gosh he seems like he is so fun. Don't you love that obligatory social laugh. Gorden used to laugh a second or so after we did, and knowing that he had no idea what we were laughing at made it so much funnier!
Sierra and Alma, hopefully you will remember us, this is Emily and Scott Norton - we used to live in your ward at Wymount. Someone from Wymount found our blog and it opened up a ton of new family connections that we haven't heard from in so long. We loved seeing your pictures and reading a few of your updates. Your little boy is so cute. We had a baby boy this summer and if you happen to find time to visit, you are always welcome. www.nortonfamily.us
Take Care!
Time must have stood still in January! What else are you guys up to?
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