Sunday, May 24, 2009

We have moved!

So we're in our new home... I say home, because it is not a house, but it is definitely our home. We love it already. Our apartment is fun and we've met some new friends. Landon and Levi are doing well. Levi was sleeping well and then got a cold so I did a big no-no by putting him in bed with me when I was beyond sleep deprivation. He got a little used to it, so I'm trying to get him back to crib sleeping. I knew there would be consequences, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do, right? Levi's forehead is pretty bruised... I can't keep him off of the furniture and I can't hover around him all day. But he's a happy boy most of the time! Landon is so funny...he cracks me up on a daily basis (On occasion I choose to laugh so I don't cry - all mothers know how that is) His new thing is getting a piece of bread, going into Levi's room, opening the blinds, and breaking the bread and putting tiny pieces all over the window sill and then eating them as he watches the people outside and talks to them (himself). I LOVE IT. Alma and I are doing well...we're going to see NO DOUBT in concert soon. Fun fun! Anyways, that's our quick update. I'll add pictures later.


Brittany H. said...

Yeah, I want pictures! I'm with you on breaking up bread--Dash just went through a phase where he only wanted to eat bread and I had to break it up and throw it at him so he could eat it like a duck. Hmmm... Anyway, glad you guys like your own place. We may be moving in with my parents in August for a couple months, so it seems like we are switching places! Can't wait to see you guys when we are out east!!

Janie Mann said...

Sierra, I love getting your updates and I'm so glad you guys are liking your place! We are coming to Sc to the beach in June but not NC. So, it'll be a bittersweet vacation. Love ya.

Laura Earl said...

Thanks for the update! :) So glad that you guys have a place, that is a wonderful feeling.

We miss and love you guys!