There are some days when living in a really small town can get on your nerves; just having to drive 15-25 min. to get anywhere. However, there are other days that just make living in a small town worth it. Yesterday, we stopped to get icecream yes-Hallaluja! My little town has an icecream shop! Unfortunately, they only had strawberry when we got there...but our expectations weren't that high anyways. They did have a baby cone though that Landon thoroughly enjoyed since he could hold it and eat it all by himself. It was really cute but we didn't have a camera with us, so no pics today. Anyways, it was really fun...we actually had a blast just sitting outside watching Landon learn how to lick the edges of his icecream cone. We also had a good laugh at a flyer that was completely spelled wrong all over the place. But let me tell ya, the people in these small towns are so so so nice. Just really great, nice people. And we actually left the icecream shop wanting to go back sometime. That tells ys something if they only had strawberry to offer. Anyways, we had fun and I appreciate all the good ol' southern hospitality that we enjoy.